ERISA Advisory Council Explores Annuity Default Options in DC Plans

At an ERISA Advisory Council hearing for the Dept. of Labor, experts recommended including annuities in defined contribution plans to hedge against longevity risk. Olivia S. Mitchell, a Wharton School professor, supported a default annuity structure that begins payments later in life to simplify financial decisions for older participants.Read More

4 Innovative Ways Women Can Supplement Their Paychecks and Grow Wealth in 2024

Women’s median weekly earnings rose to 83.8% of men’s in 2023, up from 82.9% the year before, moving toward closing the pay gap. Dr. Olivia S. Mitchell, Wharton School professor, proposes that women build their financial literacy through education and financial advice.Read More

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Longevity Perceptions and Implications for Financial Decision-Making

Recent study ‘Racial and ethnic differences in longevity perceptions and implications for financial decision-making’ by Professor Olivia S. Mitchell of Wharton and Profs. Abigail Hurwitz and Orly Sade of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem spotlighted by TIAA Institute in Q3 2022 Update.Read More