Pension Funds and Sustainable Investment: Challenges and Opportunities – Now available via Open Access

Cover of the book "Pension Funds and Sustainable Investment: Challenges and Opportunities" edited by P. Brett Hammond, Raimond Maurer, and Olivia S. Mitchell, featuring a green illustration of a classical figure.

Interested in sustainable investing? From historical roots to future trends, our new book Pension Funds and Sustainable Investment: Challenges and Opportunities, edited by Profs P. Brett Hammond, Raimond Maurer, and Olivia S. Mitchell, offers a comprehensive view of environmental, social, and governance criteria in pension fund investing. This volume delves into ethical/financial considerations as well as potential risks and rewards of ESG integration in pension funds. Read More

4 Innovative Ways Women Can Supplement Their Paychecks and Grow Wealth in 2024

The image features the title "4 Innovative Ways Women Can Grow Wealth" with a "Read More" prompt, set against a yellow background. The design includes a partial view of a pink piggy bank at the bottom. The text mentions Vance Cari

Women’s median weekly earnings rose to 83.8% of men’s in 2023, up from 82.9% the year before, moving toward closing the pay gap. Dr. Olivia S. Mitchell, Wharton School professor, proposes that women build their financial literacy through education and financial advice.Read More

Olivia S. Mitchell awarded Distinguished Fellow by the American Economic Association

Two individuals in formal attire are smiling, holding a certificate or award folder with the American Economic Association logo, against a draped background.

The American Economic Association named Olivia S. Mitchell as a Distinguished Fellow at the AEA Awards Ceremony and Presidential Address on January 06, 2024. She is the 19th female economist thus recognized, of a total of 196 Association Fellows appointed since 1885. Read more here or watch the ceremony online here.Read More