The outlook for retirement security in a new Congress

A panel of four individuals seated and engaged in discussion, with a blue backdrop displaying the word "Brookings."

Wharton Professor Olivia S. Mitchell recently spoke at a Brookings Institute event organized by the Retirement Security Project on “The outlook for retirement security in a new Congress,” with copanelists Mark Iwry and Fiona Grieg, and moderated by William Gale. The event video is here : and Mitchell’s session begins at 58:32 with introductions.Read More

Young Adults Perspectives on Global Issues versus Personal Finance

A small group of people having a meeting or consultation. An older person with short white hair is discussing documents with two younger individuals, seated on a sofa. A laptop and glass of water are visible.

Young adults are committed to solving global problems yet they are less optimistic and less engaged in financial matters. Financial education, retirement planning, and workplace benefits participation can help manage financial stress and improve long-term outcomes for this cohort, report Surya Kolluri and Emily Watson of the TIAA Institute and Jeanne de Cervens of the Georgetown University McDonogh School of Business. Via RetireSecure blog. Read More

Olivia Mitchell: “La persistente falta de conocimiento financiero ha contribuido al escepticismo de muchos chilenos sobre el sistema de pensiones”

A person wearing a wide-brimmed hat and red sweater walks down a dusty street lined with adobe buildings, holding a walking stick. The scene has a rural, sunny setting.

Poor financial literacy is a major reason why people haven’t saved or invested more, and also why they have withdrawn so much from their pensions, Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell explains, discussing the struggles of the Chilean retirement system. Via La Tercera.Read More