Social Security coding quirks and outdated technology, account for the 150-year-old Americans in the database, explains Wharton Professor, Olivia S. Mitchell, via The Washington Post.…Read More
Social Security coding quirks and outdated technology, account for the 150-year-old Americans in the database, explains Wharton Professor, Olivia S. Mitchell, via The Washington Post.…Read More
Wharton Professor Olivia S. Mitchell recently spoke at a Brookings Institute event organized by the Retirement Security Project on “The outlook for retirement security in a new Congress,” with copanelists Mark Iwry and Fiona Grieg, and moderated by William Gale. The event video is here : https://shorturl.at/vw452 and Mitchell’s session begins at 58:32 with introductions.…Read More
Young adults are committed to solving global problems yet they are less optimistic and less engaged in financial matters. Financial education, retirement planning, and workplace benefits participation can help manage financial stress and improve long-term outcomes for this cohort, report Surya Kolluri and Emily Watson of the TIAA Institute and Jeanne de Cervens of the Georgetown University McDonogh School of Business. Via RetireSecure blog. …Read More
Social Security offers more than most other countries’ retirement systems, but restoring its solvency is key to Americans’ retirement security, says Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell, via InvestmentNews.…Read More
Losing tax deductions for retirement plan catch-up contributions will lead people to contribute less. This will reduce retirement security, says Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell of Wharton’s Pension Research Council, via The Oregonian. …Read More
Longevity to increase substantially in coming decades! So save more and keep healthy to boost old-age security, reports Prof. David McCarthy of the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business, via IPRA webinar.…Read More
Lawmakers may try to avoid addressing Social Security and Medicare insolvency, undermining Americans’ retirement security, states Wharton Professor and member of the 2001 Commission to Strengthen Social Security, Olivia S. Mitchell. Via Medill on the Hill. …Read More
Lower employment, marriage, and home ownership among Millennials expected to cause more retirement insecurity, explain researchers Richard Johnson and Karen Smith of the Urban Institute via Plansponsor. …Read More
COVID-19 changed Americans’ lives and created much uncertainty. Greater retirement system challenges will follow, explains Anna Rappaport via the RetireSecure Blog. …Read More
Poor financial literacy is a major reason why people haven’t saved or invested more, and also why they have withdrawn so much from their pensions, Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell explains, discussing the struggles of the Chilean retirement system. Via La Tercera.…Read More