Olivia Mitchell: “La persistente falta de conocimiento financiero ha contribuido al escepticismo de muchos chilenos sobre el sistema de pensiones”

A person wearing a wide-brimmed hat and red sweater walks down a dusty street lined with adobe buildings, holding a walking stick. The scene has a rural, sunny setting.

Poor financial literacy is a major reason why people haven’t saved or invested more, and also why they have withdrawn so much from their pensions, Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell explains, discussing the struggles of the Chilean retirement system. Via La Tercera.Read More

What The U.S. Can Learn From Chile’s Retirement System

Chile provides a safety net for those who fall into poverty in old age, but it’s still an imperfect pension system that needs work.

Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) retirement programs in the U.S. and many European countries are struggling to remain solvent in the face of an aging population, fewer workers, and a shortfall in private savings. A different approach would strengthen individual savings accounts by requiring workers to contribute out of pre-tax income, combined with a redistributive means-tested safety net for those who fall into poverty in old age.Read More

Chile’s Fabled Retirement System: Why Fix It?

Since its launch 35 years ago, Chile’s retirement system has been hailed as “best in class” by pension experts near and far. The country’s fabled individual and privately-managed accounts include around 10 million affiliates, hold $160 billion in investments, and pay retirement benefits to over a million retirees. So why did President Michelle Bachelet establish a Pension Reform Commission that just delivered to her 58 specific reforms and three comprehensive proposals to overhaul remodel Chile’s retirement system?Read More