Projecting the Future of Health Care Needs in Aging Populations

The Population Aging Research Center (PARC) of the University of Pennsylvania hosted its 2nd Aging Retreat. Presentations addressed how America’s demographic changes are shaping health care, health equity, and the wellbeing of the elderly and their caregivers. Olivia S. Mitchell, Executive Director of the Pension Research Council, presented on “Financial Regret at Older Ages and Longevity Awareness.”Read More

Generational Differences and Debt

Older Americans are carrying growing levels of debt into retirement. This topic was the main focus of the 2019 Pension Research Council symposium, and debt was also studied in a recent Society of Actuaries (SOA) study entitled “Financial Perspectives on Aging and Retirement Across the Generations.” Both efforts provide important insights into what people say about financial priorities and debt across generations, and both confirm that debt is important in retirement planning. Read More

Moving To The Next Step: Reboot, Rewire, Or Retire?

Many Boomers currently in their 50s, 60s, and 70s confront crucial decisions about the next steps for their careers and post-career activities. Some seek new conventional job opportunities; others want a new active life that follows a different script; and yet others choose a traditional retirement path.  While younger people often have well-established ideas about career planning, those of us in later life stages are often unclear about next steps.Read More