Poor financial capability in old age can have serious repercussions, causing people to make mistakes with credit, draw down retirement assets too quickly, and fall victim to financial predators.…Read More
Poor financial capability in old age can have serious repercussions, causing people to make mistakes with credit, draw down retirement assets too quickly, and fall victim to financial predators.…Read More
Every single day from now until 2030, about 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65. While this doesn’t mean we become instantly feeble on our birthday, it does mean that we must start planning ahead for things that will be much more difficult to handle later.…Read More
Though many retirement savers will be pleased with their retirement plan 2017 investment results, the outlook for market returns over the next 10-15 years remains less than inspiring. J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s Anne Lester and Daniel Oldroyd discuss how to take steps towards a secure retirement in a low-return world.…Read More
Fintech innovators have the multi-trillion-dollar global retirement income market in their sights. An exciting example is the advent of blockchain-secured tontines as an alternative to traditional pensions and annuities.…Read More
Now that I’m retired, I’m finding that my wife and I are engaging in different financial conversations with our advisors than we did earlier in life. I believe that this new perspective should drive how a successful advisor talks to us, as well as many other older couples and individuals.…Read More
Brokers, financial advice providers, and many others need to test peoples’ ability to manage their money. Nevertheless, there are some who debate such tests arguing that they aren’t useful for predicting behavior. But our work has confirmed that there actually IS a short and very effective diagnostic financial literacy test that can be used to measure financial know-how and predict behavior.…Read More
Some observers have recently suggested that multiemployer or industry pension plans in the U.S. have bounced back fully since the 2008 recession, and it’s time to break out the champagne. Not so fast!…Read More
Many Boomers currently in their 50s, 60s, and 70s confront crucial decisions about the next steps for their careers and post-career activities. Some seek new conventional job opportunities; others want a new active life that follows a different script; and yet others choose a traditional retirement path. While younger people often have well-established ideas about career planning, those of us in later life stages are often unclear about next steps.…Read More
Three key factors contribute to the quality of life at older ages: sound financial resources, good health, and social interactions. In-depth interviews with U.S. and Canadian older retirees as well as their adult children offer new insights into how these factors shape the lives of older people.…Read More
Recently some analysts have queried: why do so few Americans participate in their pension plans? For this purpose, the pension participation rates, or the fraction of employees who either contribute to a defined contribution (DC) plan or are covered by a defined benefit (DB) plan, is often used as a key performance metric for the U.S. voluntary employer plan system.…Read More