Financial wellness programs as an employee benefit have spread of late, but more can be done given COVID-19’s economic effects, explain Kevin Crain, Surya Kolluri, and Sheila Gorman. See our new RetireSecure blog.…Read More
Financial wellness programs as an employee benefit have spread of late, but more can be done given COVID-19’s economic effects, explain Kevin Crain, Surya Kolluri, and Sheila Gorman. See our new RetireSecure blog.…Read More
The Federal Reserve will keep near-zero interest rates ‘til at least 2023. But long-term low returns will lead people to save less for retirement, dip into retirement savings, and start drawing social security benefits earlier than planned, causing problems down the line, says Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell via Penn Today.…Read More
The next US president faces an economic crisis with no quick solutions. Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell says that his first priority should be taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously which will boost the economy, via Newsweek.…Read More
The COVID-19 economic crisis is a perfect storm for retirement savings with near-zero interest rates, early Social Security benefit claiming, some using their retirement accounts to make ends meet, and the looming insolvency of the Social Security Trust Fund: Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell discusses with Knowledge@Wharton.…Read More
Peru’s Congress considers letting workers withdraw 100% of their pension savings, due to COVID-19 economic pressure. This would bankrupt the system and erode trust in government, notes Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell in the Financial Services Advisor. [PAYWALL]…Read More
The Federal Reserve plans to keep interest rates at or near zero until at least 2023, and the ongoing economic fallout of COVID-19 puts retirement saving in an even more precarious position. Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell joins Dan Loney on Wharton Business Daily to discuss what might come next.…Read More
People need ever more financial literacy to make smart financial decisions and plan for their futures. The recent Swedish House of Finance ‘Consumer Behavior in Financial Markets’ conference featured leading scholars of household/behavioral finance, including Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell. Video available here.…Read More
Interest rates will likely remain very low for some time, so people will need to save more for retirement and probably work longer, says Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell, via the Wall Street Journal.…Read More
Better longevity risk and long term care data, information on delaying retirement, and making retirement saving more mobile across firms could strengthen retirement systems in a post-COVID world, says Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell in interview with Kerry Pechter at Retirement Income Journal.…Read More
It’s never too early to think about retirement planning! These 10 questions from Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell can help you evaluate the challenges involved. Via CNBC.…Read More