High School Financial Education and Downstream Financial Behaviors: What Does the Research Say?

A small group of people sit around a table in a library, discussing or studying. They have a laptop, books, and papers on the table. Shelves of books are visible in the background.

Requiring high school financial education affects near-term behaviors for young adults entering financial independence yet has little effect on long-term savings and investing, explain Profs. Carly Urban of Montana State University and Melody Harvey of University of Wisconsin-Madison, via RetireSecure Blog.Read More

How would 401(k) ‘Rothification’ alter saving, retirement security, and inequality?

A small nest containing three eggs labeled "ROTH," "IRA," and "401k," placed on top of a simplified employee pension document, symbolizing retirement savings options.

Taxing 401(k) contributions versus payouts will alter saving, investment, consumption, & Social Security claiming. But there’s little rationale for policymakers to favor taxing pension contributions versus pension payouts, on egalitarian or revenue-enhancing grounds. Research by Vanya Horneff and Raimond Maurer of Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, and Olivia S. Mitchell of The Wharton School via Journal of Pension Economics & Finance.Read More