Employee financial wellness programs and IRA auto-enrollment help address racial disparities in retirement preparedness, explains Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell, via Plansponsor.…Read More
Employee financial wellness programs and IRA auto-enrollment help address racial disparities in retirement preparedness, explains Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell, via Plansponsor.…Read More
Auto-enrollment in state retirement plan helps initiate savings but many opt out explain Profs. John Chalmers (University of Oregon), Olivia S. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania), Jonathan Reuter (Boston College) and Mingli Zhong (Urban Institute). Via AroundtheO…Read More
The OregonSaves program requires private companies lacking 401(k) plans to auto-enroll eligible employees. Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell, with John Chalmers, Jonathan Reuter, and Mingli Zhong, reviewed the program and its effects, via Think Advisor. …Read More
Oregon is leading the way expanding access to workplace retirement plans via its OregonSaves program. How has it affected participation and outcomes among eligible employees? A new paper entitled “Auto-Enrollment Retirement Plans for the People: Choices and Outcomes in OregonSaves,” by John Chalmers, Olivia S. Mitchell, Jonathan Reuter, Geoffrey Sanzenbacher…Read More