Social Security needs reforms to strengthen it. One that would incentivize workers to delay retirement is to pay the delayed-retirement credit as a lump sum according to Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell, cited in Morning Consult.…Read More
Social Security needs reforms to strengthen it. One that would incentivize workers to delay retirement is to pay the delayed-retirement credit as a lump sum according to Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell, cited in Morning Consult.…Read More
Poor financial literacy is a major reason why people haven’t saved or invested more, and also why they have withdrawn so much from their pensions, Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell explains, discussing the struggles of the Chilean retirement system. Via La Tercera.…Read More
Coming October 14: The Baby Boomer Dilemma, documentary examining the American retirement system and the issues facing Baby Boomers, features experts including Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell. Watch the trailer here.…Read More
Building financial literacy into retirement planning could boost saving, notes Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell at the recent Brookings Institution webinar on strengthening the retirement system. Via NAPA.…Read More
The Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program attracted only a few of the homeowners who could potentially benefit from it. Jack Guttentag looks at reasons why and considers approaches that might help, at the RetireSecure blog.…Read More
Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell joined the recent Brookings Institution Retirement Security Project event focused on the challenges facing retirement policy: “Building a Better Retirement System for All Americans.” Watch at…Read More
Understanding the effects of age, gender, and ethnicity on financial wellness can help employers offer solutions that better meet their employees’ financial needs, write Surya Kolluri, Kai Walker, and Anna Potts at the RetireSecure blog.…Read More
Retirement plans that integrate financial asset management, deferred annuities, and reverse mortgages can provide more spendable funds over a retiree’s lifespan, according to Jack Guttentag on the RetireSecure blog.…Read More
The IMF names Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell to its recommended reading list of 11 women leaving their marks on the global economy, via Chile’s Diario Financiero [PAYWALL]…Read More
‘Greening’ a pension may help reduce one’s carbon footprint, and younger Americans are increasingly interested in ESG investments. Yet fiduciary rules and unknowns about the long-term performance of such assets have led the US to lag Europe in adopting ESG principles, Wharton Prof. Olivia S. Mitchell explains, via Knowledge@Wharton.…Read More