RetireSecure Blog

The Pension Research Council’s curated blog features insights from the industry’s leading professionals. Views of our Guest Bloggers are theirs alone, and not of the Pension Research Council, the Wharton School, or the University of Pennsylvania.

Differences in Longevity Perceptions and Financial Decision-Making

Retirement planning and saving differ across racial/ethnic groups due to different longevity expectations, report Abigail Hurwitz and Orly Sade of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Olivia S. Mitchell at the University of Pennsylvania. Via RetireSecure blog….

Preparing for and Betting on Longer Lives

Is there an upper limit on human lifespans? Some forecast extreme longevity, but others are less optimistic, explains TIAA’s Benny Goodman. Via RetireSecure blog….

Can Target-Date RILAs be the Next Thing in Retirement Plans?

Expanding DC plan investment options, particularly default investments, could boost participation and reduce risk for employees, suggest Cameron Ellis of the University of Iowa, Thorsten Moenig of Temple University, and Jacqueline Volkman-Wise of Saint Joseph’s University. Via RetireSecureblog. …

Four Ways to Enhance Retirement Wealth and Reduce Retiree Inequality in the U.S.

The US racial wealth gap is evident not only in household wealth but also in retirement wealth. Policy reform could increase household wealth and improve equality outcomes, explain David C. John of the AARP Public Policy Institute and Brookings Institute, J. Mark Iwry of the Wharton School and Brookings Institute, and William G. Gale of the Brookings Institution. Via RetireSecure blog….

Milestones in Pension and Retirement Research

The Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (JPEF) has long traced the evolution of public & private retirement programs. Its 20th Anniversary Special Issue explores innovative solutions to address pension & retirement security challenges, explains Professor Joshua Rauh of Stanford University & the Hoover Institute, via RetireSecure blog….

Who’s Missing out on Inheritances and Why?

Though many intend to leave bequests, Blacks and Hispanics often don’t formalize their plans and die intestate. Writing a will can make the plan a reality, reports Alicia H. Munnell of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Via RetireSecure blog. …

Policymakers Could Consider Using Tax and Transfer Policy to Reduce the Racial Retirement Wealth Gap

White households in the US hold significantly more retirement wealth than do Hispanics and Blacks, in part due to long-standing discrimination. Tax and transfer policy reforms could help reduce this wealth gap, explain Brakeyshia Samms and Carl Davis from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, via RetireSecure blog….

How Have Historical Housing Barriers Shaped Wealth Inequality?

Racial covenants in the US have hindered Black Americans from acquiring homes and contributed to economic disparities, concludes Larry Santucci of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Via RetireSecure blog….

Debt Delinquency Among Older Americans: A Growing Challenge for Retirement Security

Older Americans in racial/ethnic communities are struggling with debt in retirement, highlighting the role for targeted interventions to ensure more equitable retirement outcomes and improve retiree financial security, explains Senior Research Associate, Mingli Zhong of the Urban Institute, via the RetireSecure blog….

Understanding and Addressing Trends in Racial Disparities in Retirement Security

Racial disparities threaten many Americans’ financial security, but effective policies could mitigate these challenges and help families build a secure retirement foundation, explain Karen Dynan and Doug Elmendorf of the Harvard Kennedy School, via RetireSecure Blog….

Congress Considers Adding CIT Access for 403(b) Plans

Bipartisan legislation is pending in Congress to grant public-sector workers, including those in 403(b) retirement plans, access to collective investment trusts (CITs), long available only to private-sector employees. With CITs offering lower costs and improved transparency, fiduciaries should consider including them in their fund lineups once the legislation is passed, explains Jason Levy of Great Gray Trust Company, via RetireSecure Blog….

Employee Financial Wellness Has Suffered

Employers can design benefits programs encouraging their employees to elevate their financial wellness, report Anil Suri, Nevenka Vrdoljak, and colleagues from Bank of America, via RetireSecure blog….