Longevity to increase substantially in coming decades! So save more and keep healthy to boost old-age security, reports Prof. David McCarthy of the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business, via IPRA webinar.…Read More
Longevity to increase substantially in coming decades! So save more and keep healthy to boost old-age security, reports Prof. David McCarthy of the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business, via IPRA webinar.…Read More
60% of older survey respondents feel regret for not having saved more and claimed Social Security too young, report Profs Abigail Hurwitz of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Olivia S. Mitchell of the University of Pennsylvania, via Think Advisor.…Read More
Wharton Professor and Director of the Pension Research Council, Olivia S. Mitchell, will speak Wednesday, October 19th on “Information Processing Frictions and Suboptimal Investment in 529 College Savings Plans,” a Fed/GFLEC Financial Literacy Seminar at The George Washington University.…Read More