The Committee on Living to 100 Research Symposium requests professionals, knowledgeable in the important area of longevity and its consequences, to prepare a high quality paper for the 2020 Living to 100 Symposium to take place on January 13-15, 2020 in Orlando, FL. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Understanding the issues of morality, longevity, morbidity, and the quality of life;
- Models, techniques, and data sources for morality, morbidity, quality of life measurement and projection;
- Implications for society, institutions and individuals, as well as changes needed to support a growing aging population;
- Management of longevity risk by society, institutions and individuals; and
- Applications of existing or new longevity techniques, theories or methods for actuarial practice.
Please submit an abstract or outline of your proposed paper by August 30, 2018. Abstracts should include a brief description of the topic, data sources and methods to be used, key items to be covered, and how your paper will contribute to current knowledge, theory and/or methodology. A brief curriculum vitae or resume is also required.
Submit the information by email to Jan Schuh, Senior Research Administrator, at Questions may be directed to Ronora Stryker, ASA, MAAA, SOA Research Actuary, at Learn more about the call for papers, including the complete topic list, by going to