Recalibrating Retirement Spending and Saving

John Ameriks and Olivia S. Mitchell, Editors

As Baby Boomers transition into their 60s, they have focused policymaker and media attention on how this generation will manage the retirement phase of its lifetime. This volume acknowledges that many, though not all, in this older cohort have accumulated substantial assets, so for them, the question is what will they do with what they have? It provides a detailed exploration of how people entering retirement will deploy their accumulated assets in the near and long term, so as to best meet their myriad spending, investment, and other objectives.

The book offers readers an invaluable study of emerging issues regarding assets and expectations on the verge of retirement, including uncertainty regarding life expectancy and morbidity. Chapter authors include prominent academics, policymakers, and legal, financial, and economic practitioners.

This volume represents an invaluable addition to the Pension Research Council / Oxford University Press series. It will be especially useful for analysts and advisers seeking to help consumers position, invest, manage, and spend retirement assets; financial advisers and academics debating ways to effectively manage assets in retirement; and lawyers and policy experts evaluating regulation for the retirement payout marketplace.

Publication date: September 2008 · Oxford University Press · ISBN 0-19-954910-8

The image is a book cover titled "Recalibrating Retirement Spending and Saving," edited by John Ameriks and Olivia S. Mitchell. It features an illustration of a seated figure.