Olivia S. Mitchell, Zvi Bodie, P. Brett Hammond, and Stephen Zeldes, Editors
Only half of Americans say they have thought about saving for retirement, and many of those who have tried to save, don’t know if they are saving enough. This book proposes fresh approaches, including cash-balance pension plans, reverse annuity mortgages, and inflation-indexed bonds, and provides new methodologies for financial planning.
2002 · University of Pennsylvania Press · ISBN 0-8122-3641-6
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- Table of Contents and Chapter 1: Analyzing and Managing Retirement Risks
Zvi Bodie, P. Brett Hammond, and Olivia S. Mitchell - Chapter 2: Income Shocks, Asset Returns, and Portfolio Choice
Steven J. Davis and Paul Willen - Chapter 3: Worklife Determinants of Retirement Income: Differences Across Men and Women
Philip B. Levine, Olivia S. Mitchell, and John W.R. Phillips - Chapter 4: An Economic Approach to Setting Retirement Saving Goals
B. Douglas Bernheim, Lorenzo Forni, Jagadeesh Gokhale, and Lawrence J. Kotlikoff - Chapter 5: Retirement Planning and the Asset/Salary Ratio
Martin L. Leibowitz, J. Benson Durham, P. Brett Hammond, and Michael Heller - Chapter 6: Outcomes-Based Investing with Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation
Jason Scott - Chapter 7: Taking the Subsidy Out of Early Retirement: Converting to Hybrid Pensions
Robert L. Clark and Sylvester J. Schieber - Chapter 8: Mortality Risk, Inflation Risk, and Annuity Products
Jeffrey R. Brown, Olivia S. Mitchell, and James M. Poterba - Chapter 9: Integrating Life Annuities and Long-Term Care Insurance: Theory, Evidence, Practice, and Policy
Mark J. Warshawsky, Brenda C. Spillman, and Christopher M. Murtaugh - Chapter 10: Survivor Bonds and Compulsory Annuitization: Reducing the Cost of Pension Provision
David Blake, William Burrows, and J. Michael Orszag - Chapter 11: Turning Assets into Cash: Problems and Prospects in the Reverse Mortgage Market
Andrew Caplin - Chapter 12: Aging and Housing Equity
Steven F. Venti and David A. Wise - Chapter 13: Risk Management Through International Diversification: The Case of Latin American Pension Funds
P.S. Srinivas and Juan Yermo - Contributors and Index