Reprints and Appendices

Evaluating Lump Sum Incentives for Delayed Social Security Claiming

Public Policy & Aging Report (2018)

by Olivia S. Mitchell and Raimond Maurer

Online Appendix for Household Portfolio Underdiversification and Probability Weighting: Evidence from the Field

by Stephen G. Dimmock, Roy Kouwenberg, Olivia S. Mitchell, and Kim Peijnenburg (August 2018)

Appendix on the Structure of our ALP Ambiguity Aversion Survey 

This is the web appendix for our two papers using the ALP ambiguity module as follows:

“Ambiguity Attitudes and Economic Behavior: Results from a US Household Survey.” Journal of Financial Economic (2016)

“Estimating Ambiguity Preferences and Perceptions in Multiple Prior Models: Evidence from the Field.” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2015)

Both by Steven Dimmock, Roy Kouwenberg, Olivia S. Mitchell, and Kim Peijnenberg

Time Discounting and Economic Decision-Making in the Older Population

Journal of the Economics of Aging (2017)

by David Huffman, Raimond Maurer, and Olivia S. Mitchell

Web Appendix: “Optimal Financial Literacy and Wealth Inequality”

Journal of Political Economy (Forthcoming)

by Annamaria Lusardi, Pierre-Carl Michaud, and Olivia S. Mitchell

Web Appendix: Correlations with Other Ambiguity Aversion Measures, A-insensitivity, and Proxies for Cognitive Ability

Journal of Financial Economics [PDF, 16K]

by Stephen G., Roy Kouwenberg, Olivia S. Mitchell and Kim Peijnenburg

The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy: Theory and Evidence

Journal of Economic Literature: 52(1): 5-44 [PDF, 423K]

by Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell

Published in: Journal of Economic Literature: Vol. 52 No. 1 (March 2014)

The World Financial Review: Rebuilding Retirement System Resiliency in the Wake of the Financial Crisis

The World Financial Review, Nov./Dec. 2012 [PDF, 338K]

by Raimond Maurer, Olivia S. Mitchell, and Mark Warshawsky

Published in: The World Financial Review, Nov./Dec. 2012.

Insight: How Much Do People Know About Social Security?

Insight, Nov. 2010, No. 2 [PDF, 115K]

by Mathew Greenwald, Arie Kapteyn, Olivia S. Mitchell, and Lisa Schneider

Published in: RAND Working Paper WR-792.

Policy Brief: How Much Do People Know About Economics and Finance? Financial Illiteracy and the Importance of Financial Education

MRRC Policy Brief March 2008 [PDF, 115K]

by Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell

Published in: University of Michigan Retirement Research Center Policy Brief March 2008, Number 5.

Baby Boomer Retirement Security: The Roles of Planning, Financial Literacy, and Housing Wealth

Reprint: Baby Boomer retirement security [PDF, 195K]

by Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell

Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics 54 (2007), pp. 205-224.

Would a Privatized Social Security System Really Pay a Higher Rate of Return?

NBER Reprint No. 2266 [PDF, 185K]

by John Geanakoplos, Olivia S. Mitchell, and Stephen P. Zeldes

Published in: Framing the Social Security Debate: Values, Politics, and Economics, R. Douglas Arnold, Michael J. Graetz, and Alicia H. Munnell, eds., National Academy of Social Insurance, Brookings Institution Press, 1998, pp. 137-157.

Social Security Money’s Worth

NBER Reprint No. 2267 [PDF, 6.8 MB]

by John Geanakoplos, Olivia S. Mitchell, and Stephen P. Zeldes

Published in: Prospects for Social Security Reform, edited by Mitchell, Myers, Young. Copyright©1999 The Pension Research Council of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Reproduced here with permission from the University of Pennsylvania Press. All rights reserved.

Winner, TIAA-CREF’s 1999 Paul A. Samuelson Award for Outstanding Scholarly Writing on Lifelong Financial Security.

Measuring Solvency in the Social Security System

(Social Security Reform Chapter 2)

by Stephen C. Goss
Published in: Prospects for Social Security Reform, edited by Mitchell, Myers, Young. Copyright©1999 The Pension Research Council of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Reproduced here with permission from the University of Pennsylvania Press. All rights reserved.



